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Participation in student organizations is an important component of students' academic education and professional development. As such, involvement in the Graduate Researchers in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution (GREBE) shall be construed as an enhancement of the students' experiences in the Graduate Program of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. In recognition of the importance of a holistic educational experience, we hereby establish these by-laws of GREBE.
I. Organization
A. The name of this organization shall be Graduate Researchers in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution (GREBE).
B. GREBE is affiliated with the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) of the College of Arts & Science (CAS) of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (UTK).
II. Purpose
A. To promote cohesion and cooperation among EEB graduate students;
B. To support EEB in recruitment of prospective graduate students, by helping coordinate and conduct the student recruitment weekend;
C. To foster interaction between the faculty and graduate student body of EEB;
D. To lobby for EEB support for graduate students;
E. To disseminate information to students regarding Graduate School, EEB, and UTK procedures, requirements, and other pertinent administrative policies and functions;
F. To inform students of funding possibilities;
G. To keep students abreast of professional activities, particularly on a state and regional level;
H. To provide liaisons between EEB, CAS, and UTK organizations.
III. Membership
A. Shall be limited to graduate students in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.
B. Students must be enrolled for at least one (1) credit hour in order to belong to GREBE, and be a full-time student in order to hold office.
C. Members and Officers agree to abide by all other rules, regulations, and laws that otherwise may apply to UTK and its students.
D. Members are free to leave or disassociate without fear of retribution or harassment.
E. There shall be no initiation rites or hazing in conjunction with GREBE or any of its activities.
F. There will be no discrimination in any activities or functions of this organization on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, national origin, race, sex, or sexual orientation.
G. A $10.00 due will be collected once a year to help support entertainment costs for off-campus GREBE events.
IV. Meetings
A. Meetings will be held as necessary, as determined by the GREBE Officers.
B. GREBE members may request meeting at any time by notifying GREBE Officers in writing.
V. Executive Officers and Faculty Advisor:
A. The Faculty Advisor of GREBE shall be the Chair of the EEB Department or another full-time EEB faculty member appointed by the Chair of the EEB Department. It is the advisor’s responsibility to review the budget and financial statements with the officers.
B. Elected officers and their duties are outlined below:
1. President - provide policy leadership; call, set agenda for, and run regular business meetings and executive
board meetings; oversee committees and other activities; attend faculty meetings and report details to the
membership; maintain group cohesion.
2. Vice-President - advertises GREBE meetings and other GREBE-related activities and issues; attend Graduate Student Council meetings and report details to the membership; act in place of President in her/his absence.
3. Treasurer - collect dues and any other funds made available to GREBE; disburse funds as necessary and directed by the board; manage the EEB Travel Awards; act in place of Vice-President in her/his absence.
4. Secretary - take minutes at Official GREBE meetings; transcribe minutes into electronic format and have
available to the students; notify graduate students of GREBE events via email; moderate elections for officers, and
other official votes; act as alternate Graduate Student Council liaison if Vice-President is unable to attend a
Graduate Student Council meeting; act in place of Treasurer in her/his absence.
C. Elections & Terms of Service:
1. GREBE Officers will call for nominations of new officers for the next academic year no later than two weeks
before the end of Spring semester classes and will hold elections before Spring classes end.
2. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the voting membership present at the last GREBE meeting of the
Spring semester.
3. A student officer must be in good academic standing at the time of election or
appointment and during his/her term of office. A student may be considered ineligible for office if the student is
on disciplinary probation for violating any Student Standards of Conduct.
4. Terms of service for elected Officers are one year.
5. Officers are eligible for re-election to the same or other Office.
6. If an Officer cannot continue the duties of her/his Office, a replacement shall be selected by the remaining
Officers and approved by the voting membership present at the subsequent GREBE meeting.
7. An Officer may be removed from office by the membership for failure to fulfill the duties of the office for which he/she was elected. To remove an officer from office, a motion to solicit a vote of no confidence must be made and seconded at a regular committee meeting. The motion is subsequently put to vote by the membership. A majority vote is required to pass the motion.
VI. The Annual Duties of GREBE shall be as follows:
A. Travel Awards
1. Eligibility: Graduate Students will be eligible to receive travel awards if s/he has:
a. Paid annual GREBE dues
b. Participated in departmental and/or departmental sponsored activities in the past 12 months. Including, but not limited to:
i. Prospective Student Weekend,
ii. Departmental Standing Committees (see below),
iii. Kids University
iv. EEB educational/community outreach, such as:
1. Darwin Day
2. Boo At The Zoo
3. Other activities may be petitioned
2. Application Deadlines:
a. GREBE officers will solicit applications for Travel Awards twice a year.
3. Award Amounts:
a. GREBE officers will determine award amounts each application period based upon the number of applicants and status of GREBE funds.
b. GREBE officers will, on request of any graduate students, provide the
GREBE budget and/or list of monetary awards given.
B. Standing Committee Assignment
1. GREBE Officials will assist the department head in electing graduate students to fill standing committee seats
available to them. Briefly, the following committees have student representation:
a. Executive
b. Graduate Affairs
c. Undergraduate Affairs
d. Website
e. Seminar
f. Teaching Evaluation Committee
2. Rules determining eligibility for committee participation and other information regarding committee seats are listed in the EEB Departmental By-laws
C. GREBE-Invited Speaker
1. GREBE officers and Seminar Committee graduate representative will hold elections (nominations and voting) to select the Graduate Student invited seminar speaker.
2. GREBE officers and Seminar Committee graduate representative will assist faculty in inviting and coordinating the visit of the selected speaker.
D. Prospective Student Recruitment Weekend
1. GREBE Officers will assist the department in coordinating and hosting prospective graduate students during official visitation weekend.
2. GREBE will be responsible for the following duties:
1. Transporting students between all activities (to a from airport, to parties)
2. Scheduling Saturday activities (hike, tour of Knoxville, etc) including hosting a graduate student party the Saturday of the weekend
E. Management of finances
1. A yearly financial statement must be provided to the GREBE faculty advisor.
2. Receipts will be issued for sales and member dues upon request.
3. Funds received from fundraising and membership dues will be deposited within 10 business days or kept in
petty cash.
4. Expenditures will require full support by all officers. Expenditures exceeding $300 will be voted on by a
majority of GREBE members, excepting travel awards.
5. In the event of dissolution, all GREBE funds will be donated to the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee to be earmarked for graduate student funding.
VIII. This constitution may be amended as follows:
A. Amendment(s) shall be drafted by the Officers and approved by the membership.
B. Draft amendments shall be presented to the membership prior to regularly scheduled meetings.
C. Discussion shall follow presentation of the draft amendment(s). Proposed changes shall be discussed and a vote shall be called. A majority of the members present shall be required to pass an amendment. Any accepted changes shall be made by the committee.