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Graduate students in Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution

This is the GREBE page where you can find resources and information for graduate student in the EEB department at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.


Our Goals

The stated purpose of GREBE, among other things is to "promote the cohesion and cooperation among EEB graduate students (GS); to lobby for EEB support for GS; to disseminate information..." and so on.


Basically, think of us as your grad-school-older-siblings. We've been here for a bit and we're here to make sure you can succeed in the EEB program. Since there are a lot of things that go into your success, GREBE does a lot of things. Organizing social events, helping recruit new GS, brining up grad issues with faculty, and more.


Our goal is to support YOU in whatever way possible!



Submit Ideas

Covered Plants




Help Me!

Check out the flow chart below to see who and what in the department can help with various problems. This chart does NOT represent all of the resources available in the department, it's just a helpful starting place.

EEB flowchart (1).png

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